Dead Cells

A 2D Platform cylic game with beautiful graphics and engaging combat.
The skills and items are well balanced and create different play styles.
The map and some progress is reset when you die.
But there’s general progress that doesn’t reset - this is how you keep progressing faster.
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The game play is very engaging and even though the controls are minimal - You have 4 combat actions.The map contains additional elements to engage with:
- Some lore rooms, items and npcs.
- Doors, levers, keys, etc…
Map design
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The maps are seperated into biomes and are random generated.
Each biom has different theme with different rooms, lore rooms and monsters.
Some generations are a bit trickier to deal with and sometimes it’s not that understandable - for example if there’s a trap and you don’t notice it, you’ll get ton of damage.
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The combat is the main element in this game - this is the only way to advance.
Therefore it must be good - and it definitely is!
Each monster is unique with it’s playstyle and attacks so when you encounter a new monster look at its patterns.
After a while you’ll get used to time your dodges and attacks accordingly and don’t be sad that you got hit pretty hard when you miss something - it’s part of the game.
I do have slight issues with the jump down controls - Sometimes I spend important seconds just trying to fly down while I initate a single jump instead.
I like the items and the combos you can do with them - I tend to be more “tactic” with bows and shooting traps, this helps to keep distance, minimize damage and deal a lot of damage very fast!
I don’t like the sheilds they feel too bulky for me to use, after awhile you can unlock additional powerups that help you bring your best tactics into the gameplay.
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Absoultly astonishing, the full engagments comes with beautiful colors, The biomes have very unique set of colors which bring the most of the horror like theme into the mind.
They are not too bright so any brightness like explosions, torches, monsters are empathized.
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As the audio exists I don’t feel like it’s very unique or adds to the game too much.
Of course there’s the benefit of regonizing triggers when you get hit or you engage with the map.
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I couldn't understand the main "lore" at first but as I progress and keep encountering more rooms I began to understand better of the world of Dead Cells. Still - The story isn't the main part of the game, generation of lore rooms can be disabled in the options.Further down the line
If you want to listen more about the concepts of the game and some flaws that the game have, I recommend you Game Wisdom’s analysis:
Overall I feel it’s a great game - it does have small flaws but sure you will get your worth for your money!